• 3 pin plugs ( old type )
• Compact 3 pin plugs
• USB outlets
• Switches
• Some of the sockets for the compact 3 pin will indicate whether it can accommodate a rewireable plug or not as illustrated below be embossed on the adaptor to warn consumers on the danger of plugging adaptors from one another .
• Examples are provided to show how multiple switched socket-outlets for fixed installation should be switched .
• Since 2018 the wiring code ( SANS 10142-1 ) requires socket-outlets in electrical installations to be of the SANS 164-2 , at every socket outlet point , however other configurations ( such as SANS 164-1 ) may also be installed onto the same outlet .
• The changes in SANS 164-0 are generic to all the SANS 164 series of standards namely Part 1 to Part 6 . This means that SANS 164 series of plugs and socket-outlets must comply with SANS 164-0 .
• Warning signs will appear on adaptors to prevent the use of multiple adaptors plugged into one another , thus avoiding the risk of electricity hazards due to overloading and poor connections .
• Reducing the minimum clearance of an adaptor body to socket-outlet surface to 8.0mm from 12.0mm .
• Introducing the symbol for adaptors not permitted to be plugged in one another to avoid straining the socketoutlet . This was due to a safety risk to the consumer as the straining of the socket-outlet can cause a short-circuit between the neutral and live pins . This symbol must
The SANS 164 series falls under SABS Technical Committee ( TC ) 067 Sub-committee ( SC ) 03 titled Electricity distribution systems and components : Electrical accessories . The scope of the TC covers standards for electrical accessories such as switches , plugs and socket-outlets , home automation devices , connectors , adaptors , couplers , cords extension sets and conduits ( cable management systems ) for use in household and similar low-voltage applications .
The TC067 SC03 consists of representatives from associations , manufacturers , regulators , power utility , testing laboratories , government departments and academic institutions . Should any member of the public be interested in joining the SC , they are welcome to submit their interest via www . sabs . co . za .
The construction industry , electrical contractors and households needs to be aware of the amended requirements for South Africa . It is expected that new buildings will need to comply with the new standards within the time frame listed in the wiring code .
“ The revisions to the standard , published in July 2020 incorporates changes in technology covered in SANS 60884-1 : Plugs and socketoutlets for household and similar purposes .”
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