Ruskin Lane Consulting Autumn 2014 | Page 12

FEATURES PROJECTS The turf farm complex at Tyrfingsstaðir We also operate an archaeological research facility including field survey, excavation workshops and post finds analysis. Our core theme relates to depicting and preserving the rich social history surrounding the Caithness flagstone industry, a key element of which was the Castlehill Flagstone Works in Castletown. Our activities include running highly popular hands-on vernacular skills workshops relating to the built environment, such as dry stone dyking using local Caithness flagstone, and lime mortar pointing, the latter being run in conjunction with the Scottish Lime Centre Trust. The CHIST Iceland programme presented a well-focused opportunity to support training and development in my ‘spare time’ interests, especially as the aims and objectives of the Fornverkaskólinn Heritage Craft School are remarkably consistent with those of CHS. The core theme of the seven day programme was the restoration and preservation of traditional Icelandic turf buildings. We spent an intensive two days learning basic turf cutting and building restoration skills, putting them into practice Cutting torfur and strengur Internal passages within the Tyrfingsstaðir farmhouse at Tyrfingsstaðir, a farm complex in northern Iceland dating from the late 19th to early 20th century. The restoration of the farm complex is being undertaken by the Skagafjorður Heritage M \