Ruskin Lane Consulting Autumn 2014 | Page 11

FEATURES PROJECTS Icelandic turf and stone construction The iconic turf building complex at Glumbaer. In this article Neil Buchan, Vice Chairman of Castletown Heritage Society, explores the traditional building techniques of Iceland and how they are being used to conserve and interpret historic sites. T he Cultural Heritage Interpretation and Sustainable Tourism (CHIST) programme aims to give those who work in the field of Scottish Heritage Interpretation and Tourism an idea of what is being undertaken in their field out with the UK, and the inspiration to apply new methods at home. CHIST is coordinated by ARCH Network and funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme of the European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture. The programme's primary focus is vocational training and the provision of “opportunities for those involved in the design, delivery or implementation of training or careers guidance to undertake visits to partner organisations to exchange experience and best practice.” During 2014 there were a total of five 18 I CHIST programmes – Cyprus, Iceland, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Estonia. The programme that I took part in was hosted by the Fornverkaskólinn Heritage Craft School in northern Iceland. ARCH Network is a Scottish nongovernmental organisation promoting learning and development in natural and cultural heritage between Scotland and other European countries. Fornverkaskólinn Heritage Craft School is a partnership project between the Carpentry Department of the Northwest Iceland Comprehensive College, Skagafjordur Heritage Museum and the Tourism Department at Holar University College. The Craft School supports and promotes historic building skills as well as recording and preserving the vernacular names and terminology associated with traditional Icelandic building methods, which are all in THE ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND I AUTUMN 2014 danger of being lost. The School also seeks to build a network of cultural institutions, professionals and companies in the industry and promote research and exchange of cultural sciences. My desire to participate in the CHIST Iceland programme arose from my role as Vice Chairman of Castletown Heritage Society (CHS), a community-led organisation dedicated to the preservation of the character, history and traditions of the village of Castletown and the parish of Olrig in Caithness, in the far north of Scotland. Like all other CHS members I am an unpaid volunteer. Based in Castlehill Heritage Centre, we regularly organise and deliver a programme of interpretive and collaborative events and workshops to showcase, stimulate and sustain community interest and participation in a range of craft, arts and vernacular skills.