Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 20

CHAPTER 8 FIELD TRIPS During our gatherings, we dedicate time to put our feet on the ground and discover the place where we are. Field trips get us in touch with local people, nature, culture, climate, as well as local problems and solutions. Following the visits, we share what we have seen and heard in plenary. We often discover that we have seen the same places and talked to the same people, but have understood different things. That is what we call 1 ‘reality check’. If possible, we involve our local hosts in such reflections, so that we can further clarify and reach mutual understanding between people from usually many different professional and cultural backgrounds. 5a. 5b. Field trip to “Ferme du Bersend”, farmers and sheep cheese producers Be as independent as possible At the Forum Synergies’ European 96 able to develop renewable energies from local resources. The Swiss taught us how to make Beaufort. This has allowed us to be more autonomous in Rural Sustainaibility Gathering of 2014, terms of making food from grass, in the we visited Pierre Gachet’s farm. He is a form of milk and cheese. We preserve small milk farmer and member of the the cheese only with salt. We are five Beaufort de Praz farmers’ cooperative. workers here. I consider my employees He shared with us his recipe for as partners. Their salary is the same as survival in the high mountains: “We ours. So my example as peasant farmer are several owners. The cooperative is simple: Let’s say I invest a fixed has allowed us to move in the right amount of our money in the morning, direction as peasant farmers. We must and there’s nothing left of it in the be as independent as possible, use as evening. In fact it is not a sum of money few external inputs as possible and be that I have on the table. It is a sum of