Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 21
Tasting independence
“It is not a sum of money that I have
on the table. It is a sum of grass or hay
of which the cows make milk.”
6. Pierre Gachet, sustainable mountain farmer
7. Jeanine Sochas, former director of AAB
and active retired person in Beaufortain
8. An activity organised by AAB : the apple fair
Pierre Gachet
grass or hay of which the cows make
milk. I then have to transform that milk
into Beaufort cheese. At the end of the
day I see what I have got. The more
I have left for those who work on the
An engaged
retirement -
role in the sustainable development
of Beaufortain by promoting citizens’
participation in local life, by organising
activities for young people, families
and the elderly, while promoting
farm, the better for me. Then I am less Among the pioneers of the dependent on banks, shareholders or Beaufortain movement, I had the then director of Beaufortain Animation
merchants. For the last three years, we opportunity to meet Hubert Favre, Association, explains the principles
do not borrow anything from banks, a friendly retiree, always inclined of these activities: “Our association is
only from individuals. And if I know to praise the merits of his area. At based on four pillars: solidarity, human
someone has spare money, instead of the end of the 1950s, Hubert was dignity, democracy and sustainable
borrowing from banks, we ask them to a teacher in Arêches, one of the development. This means villagers
lend us the money we need.” four municipalities of Beaufortain. make choices at each stage of the
In 1962, he created a newsletter decision-making process: they have
is undeniable. Because, even if ‘Ensemble dans le Beaufortain’. Today four different missions - one on human
land concentration and the decline it is a quarterly newspaper. He also resources, another on projects, one
in the number of farms continues, founded the Beaufortain Animation on the project economy and one
the process here is slower than Association (AAB) in 1973 of which on partnership. Our association is
elsewhere. All visitors, whether from Jeanine Sochas, who is a member of interested in the needs of the local
Forum Synergies or somewhere else, Forum Synergies, was director for 15 population so that they can stay
can still enjoy a lively and diversified years. For more than 40 years, this here on the territory,” Valérie Geslin
mountain landscape. association has played an essential continued.
The success of the cooperative
cultural openness. Valérie Geslin,