Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 41

As I pondered the scriptures, I began to pray. “Lord, teach me to yield to Your Will. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness and from all iniquities. I place myself on the altar to be cleansed from all that is not of You. Lord, I no longer want to live as I have been living, dead to You, running around looking for You and knowing that You are right there with Your arms outstretched, waiting on me to come into the fold fully. Draw me nearer Lord, so that I may live for You. Lord, I yield all to You, no longer do I want sin to have dominion over me, and I want to know Your grace, Lord. I present myself to You Lord, so that I am no longer a slave over sin.”

As I uttered these words, I felt a weight lift off me. I felt free. Free to run on to see all that God has in store for me. Free from the snares of satan. Free to serve my Father who loves me!

As I thought about yielding, my mind was brought back to when I was at Watch Night services at church a few weeks ago. The Holy Spirit took me back to the point when I uttered to God that I wanted to learn His ways, to witness His grace and to see His Glory. It was then that is what revealed to me that in order for me to begin to know God’s ways, I would have to yield totally to His will.

My journey begins.

YIELD by hazelwilliams