Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 37


How did you get started praise dancing?

Well, I was fourteen and the church I went to, this lady who was in the choir stopped me and told me that God had given her a Word for me. She asked me if I danced. I laughed and told her no. she said that God said it’s time for me to dance. I went to rehearsal and haven’t stopped dancing!

How has praise dancing helped you?

It has help me relive stress. I actually was suicidal at one point and when I got to the point of wanting to commit suicide, dancing helped me handle it and balance out my life. I dance to music that moves my life.

You were just about to tell us what your favorite song is.

“I’m Still Here” by Dorinda Clark-Cole

How has this song helped you?

There is this part of the song where she sings, “When I look back over my life and I see all the things God's done for me. Been through danger, heartache and trouble. I thank the Lord, He rescued me. I could have been dead and gone, but the Lord He spared my life.” We’ve all been through some type of the three, whether it’s break-ups, suicide or been in some type of trouble that could have cost our life.

How long have you been dealing with suicide?

Since I was fourteen.

Is this why you have a heart for the youth you are targeting for your praise dance ministry?

This has always been a dream of mine to reach out to them.

Have a noticed a considerable difference in the kids you mentor in dance?

Yes, I have. The first young lady I taught was ten at the time and now she is seventeen. She dances for the Lord wholeheartedly, does many solos and is my dance partner on a lot of songs.

Where do you see yourself going with the praise dance group and the young girls you are mentoring and teaching to dance?

I see opening up my own dance studio in the near future. Traveling all over Ohio and ministering to youth. It’s not all about twerking, or who got the most name brand clothes on. It’s about letting God be able to use them in a way they never thought would come out of them.

Thank you so much for taking time out to talk. Is there anything you would like to mention before we go?

Yes, I would like to say that although I have Sickle Cell and Graves disease I am NOT LETTING THAT STOP MY DREAM in trying to get my very own group started plus my own dance studio!!!

We will definitely be keeping you lifted up in prayer!


EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are interested in auditioning, supporting or booking A.R.M.Y. of L.I.G.H.T., call Endia at 440.381.2171.