Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 36

Endia Camp

A.R.M.Y of L.I.G.H.T.

Armed Ready Ministering Youth of Living In God's Holy Light

What type of community work are you doing?

Well, actually, I’m in the middle of starting a praise dance group, which is called the A.R.M.Y. of L.I.G.H.T. Basically, what we’re doing is talking to the youth and getting them involved in ministry. This includes, not just praise dancing, but singing, writing and anything artistic for them to express themselves.

Who are your target youth?

Adolescents from eight years old to teen-agers.

Why this group of kids?

I chose eight as a starting age because they have an understanding and will listen to instructions and they pretty much know what they want at that age. After age sixteen, the focus is more so on graduating from high-school, going off to college and preparing for their future.

How do you go about recruiting them?

We hold auditions periodically. But what we are finding out that the kids in the group will recommend others and we let them audition.

What do you look for in those who audition?

We look for movement. How well they move their bodies, how they move to the music and how the music relates to them.

Do you praise dance?
