Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 12

By KBailey

Food for thought... "If you take away the "reason" for your hurting pain all that's left is the hurting pain; and like a growing weed if you take away the root the weed would surely die." So with the hurt and pain that we have endured in our past, some of which we still hold on to in memory, let this message be, if only an ounce of light, in such a dark place.

Why? Because, this message inspires hope. Because there is a cure for the pain, the hurt and betrayal we have inside. Holding on to such a thing as hurt or pain of betrayal for any long amount of time, does you no good mentally, nor physically, because that burden becomes a poison to your well-being and creates a sickness to your body and not to mention your mental state of mind suffers for it as well and ultimately, the deciding for rand reasoning behind a lot of bad decisions.

This Cure I am talking about is attainable by every living soul that so chooses for their life and you will not have to reach in your pockets to purchase this cure. it is available to you now, even as you are reading this. The cure for internal pain, hurt and betrayal that I speak of, is known to us as forgiveness. However, there is one requirement that must be met before this cure goes to work in your life and that is “YOUR EFFORTS".

Most of us deal with our pain in similar fashions from anger and sadness to depression and self-sabotage and now there are some who choose to not even deal with their painful issues at all, so they run, and continue to run, not seeing the treadmill under their feet that keeps them running in the same place, reliving the same pains over again, and truth be told, for most of us, it is actually easier to handle our pains and issues in some of those less productive ways.

Your efforts in the matter are key, as a matter of fact your efforts are the keys that unlock this awesome power inside you now. So ask yourself... are you bold enough to face your pain, to face the thing that has left you scared? Are you bold enough to face that same pain from a different perspective and without the anger that it once caused, wanting nothing more than to just be free of it? To look pass the pain to see the lesson in it all.

the forgiveness cure

those less productive ways.

Your efforts in the matter are key, as a matter of fact your efforts are the keys that unlock this awesome power inside you now. So ask yourself... are you bold enough to face your pain, to face the thing that has left you scared? Are you bold enough to face that same pain from a different perspective and without the anger that it once caused, wanting nothing more than to just be free of it? To look pass the pain to see the lesson in it all.

Life is God's greatest classroom, with our situa-

tions being the greatest tools for His lessons.

The question is what would it take? What

would it take for a person to bring them-

selves face to face with an issue that

has been the root cause of their pain?

And, not get angry, sad or have a desire

for revenge? What would it take for the

thing that has been the anchor of you

pain to become a source of strength

for you? What would it take???

First thing first, you have to accept

that it has happened, standing face

to face with your monster, do not

wish that it never happened, and

also KNOWING that it has already

happened and is not happening to

you at this moment. So to ACCEPT

what happened, you have to truly

come to terms with the fact that it did

happen. Look at your pain not as some-

thing that has happened to you, but rather

look at it as something that JUST HAPPENED.

Now you're taking yourself out of the 'Victim's

Corner’ and with that the significance of your pain

will change, taking away any reason to blame and yet giving yourself every reason to forgive. Ask yourself do you really want to continue to hold to this pain? Or are you ready to LET IT GO? The memories will remain; it is the pain that you want to get rid of. So let’s open up our doors and escort the PAIN OUT. Now remember you are no longer in the 'Victims Corner’ and while you are still facing your pain, your demons, go ahead and apologize to the pain. Tell your pain, your demons "I am sorry that you have been here. I am also sorry that I have carried you with me for so very long and I forgive you for the pain you caused, and I forgive you, because it was I that carried you all this time. You didn’t have to be here, knowing that pain destroys, and hurts but