Rules and Regulations - Learn English World Online School Rules and Regulations - Learn English World Online | Page 4

For example: If you miss three classes in one month, you must make up for those three classes by rescheduling them with your students, as well as providing one extra class, without pay as a make-up gift to the student and for Learn E World. Normally absences or being late at the starting of a cut-off can result in a student dropping out in which case, the tuition is refunded to the student and the teacher cannot be paid for the classes done. . A note to tutors with poor internet connectivity: Special considerations will be given for tutors in certain regions with poor internet service. Please discuss this with management in advance. If you find yourself unable to handle a class because of a service outage, please try to contact your student though some other means (such as by phone, text or email thru a friend you trust and can request) and notify the management as soon as possible. Absences and Cancellations of classes by Students: Students should cancel class a day or 6 hours before the class to be excused and not charged. If a student does not show up for his class, the class is considered as conducted and paid. Make up classes for excused absences or cancellations will be arranged with the teacher. No additional make-up class will be given in excess of three absences p er month. Extended absence for vacations, holidays or otherwise pre-planned occasions can be scheduled in advance by the student with the teacher and management as necessary. For these extended absences, if pre-arranged and agreed upon by the student, teacher and management, make up classes will be provided (session might be extended, too). 4