RTL Reliable Transportation More About Warehousing | Page 5

TOP TIPS TO FIND THE BEST WAREHOUSING COMPANY • Research – Your research should be multi-layered. Don’t rely on one platform only. Look through the different warehousing association portals and ask around for referrals and recommendations. Customer review portals are also very helpful in giving you honest opinions on the services that different companies have to offer. • Be sure of what is covered – In business, you always have to plan for the worst case scenario. You must be sure that your inventory will be safe and that your business can bounce back from any unexpected incidents. When looking for a warehousing company, be sure to ask what accidents and occurrences the insurance covers. More importantly, you should also be fully aware of what you are responsible for. Knowing where to draw the line on where your responsibility starts and ends is crucial for your business, so you should be sure that everyone is doing their job.