RTL Reliable Transportation More About Warehousing | Page 4

FIVE TIPS TO IMPROVE THE EFFICIENCY OF YOUR WAREHOUSE • Account for the Warehouse Labour Cost – Labour is the highest cost of operating a warehouse. In fact, it accounts for up to 50% of the total operating costs. Accounting for labour cost manually is highly discouraged because this method is very inefficient and may produce inaccurate information. However a labour management system will definitely come in handy in this situation. It enhances efficient tracking of labour costs and simplifies work. This management system collects and uses the workforce data from the warehouse operations without any limitations. • Ensure adequate technology is received by warehouse workers – Willingness is important at this juncture. It has been discovered that most people are quite uncomfortable with supply chain technology. Most people may not have the capacity to navigate the technical world and this becomes a major problem. However, there are technology providers who offer high skilled training for those it may concern. • Reduce Obsolete Inventory – As long as inventory does not move, revenue does not increase and stock cannot be put up. This results in a major drain on productivity. In order to prevent this, it is encouraged that a report can be run to aid in reducing inventory.