Frontier School Division
Frontier School Division is committed to providing
highest quality education in each of our 43 schools.
The most essential component in providing this is
the classroom teacher. In response to our current
teacher shortage, we are establishing the Term Teacher
The Term Teacher Program is intended to provide
teachers who, for a variety of reasons, are not able
or do not wish to teach full-time. This may include
retired teachers who wish to teach seasonally, job share
for the school year (i.e. one teacher for the first term
and another for the second term), teachers who have
personal needs that preclude full-time employment
or teachers who may be game for a new experience
without making a full-time commitment.
The Term Teacher Program provides opportunity to
determine when and where you are willing to teach. We
are open to discussing options that meet your needs.
The Term Teacher Program will ensure all options are
explored to match the needs of the school and the skills
of the teacher.
Currently, we have a number of positions available in a
variety of grades/subject areas for the 2019-20 school
year. These are available due to various circumstances,
which may include:
Maternity/parental leaves;
Medical Leaves;
Specialty subject area assignments;
Unexpected departures.
For more information regarding the opportunities
available through this Program, please contact Human
Resources via email at [email protected].
Frontier School Division offers a competitive salary as
well as a number of additional benefits and allowances
such as moving expenses, annual travel, housing and
PNS Class of 1955-56
A Class Luncheon is planned for
Thursday, June 11th 2020
If interested in attending e-mail
[email protected] Or write: PNS 1955-56
314-895 Wilkes Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3P 1B8
Carman Collegiate Class of 1959 and 1960
A 60th Reunion for Carman Collegiate Class of 1959 and
1960 is being planned for July 2020. We are looking for
the following former teachers or classmates:
Linda Lucht, Miss Ishenburg, Chester Johnson, Heather
Hepworth, Miss Oberck, Miss Connor, Joe Segal,
Colleen McCann, Mrs. Cartwright, Bob Sutton, Wallace
Linton And Don Suderman. Please contact Willa Keith at
[email protected] or at (204) 745-2714.
Looking for retired teachers in Winnipeg!!!
Would you like to make a difference by helping our
community members to learn and to speak English?
Marlene Street Community Resource Centre is a non-
profit organization located in St. Vital, Winnipeg. We
provide support and services to low-income families
which include children, youth, single parents, Indigenous
families and newcomers. Parking space available on site.
For more information, contact: Saima Siddiqui (Adult
Program Coordinator) or Angela Konkin (Executive
Director): 204-253-8994 or email: [email protected]
Winnipeg Normal School Class of '54
Hold the Date: Friday, September 17, 2021, 11:00 a.m. -
3:00 p.m. at Canad Inn Polo Park, Winnipeg
Celebrating 67th Reunion. This will be the 12th Reunion
for this class. For further information contact: Mary
Starodub, Winnipeg: 204-889-6046 Morris Demkiw,
Winnipeg: 204-832-5413. Also watch KIT for further
information. - Mary and Morris
The Manitoba Electrical Museum
The Manitoba Electrical Museum is seeking English
and Bilingual (French/English) tour guides interested in
presenting Grade 6 Science curriculum-linked tours of
the museum gallery. School tours are offered mornings
and afternoons Monday to Friday. The time commitment
is 3 hours per week October to June. Comprehensive
training and remuneration is provided. For more
information or to submit your résumé, email jrak@hydro.
Caregiving With Confidence
Caregiving with Confidence is a non-profit agency
that provides support and resources to informal and
family caregivers. We are in urgent need of volunteer
drivers for our Ring-A-Ride program. Many older adults
experience a loss of independence due to the inability
to drive. Our volunteers help clients maintain their self
sufficiency by providing transportation and support,
to and from their appointments. If you would like to
help older adults in your community and you enjoy
driving, this is the opportunity for you! We offer driver
orientation, flexible schedules, and an honorarium for
every ride that is completed, to offset your costs.
For more information, please contact our Volunteer
Coordinator at [email protected] or call our
office at 204-452-9491. An application form is also
available at