RTAM KIT - Winter 2019 RTAM_Winter19_web | Page 30

TO ALL RETIRED TEACHERS FROM: PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: As educators, with great memories (and accounts from past teachers, parents, and grandparents), we have an incredible collective recollection of stories about teaching over the past years. This would be a great time for us to write or type a few of our favourite memories: our favourite teacher, why I went into teaching, how education changed someone’s life. Maybe the time Mr. Jones hit his thumb with the hammer as he tried to fix a desk, and then swore, loudly; shoeless, I went to school. Imagine the fantastic reading that will come to life, for our children, grandchildren, if only someone will compile these anecdotes, with you helping along. Public Relations is attempting to publish a book of vignettes, a small book, for a very reasonable cost. We need some feedback. 1. Would you contribute a short story of a couple hundred words? Don’t be shy now. The book will be about you, and yours. Watch our website for further information. A further article will be posted. Respond, as soon and as much as possible, to [email protected] 2. 3. Remember, this will be our Manitoba 150 celebratory year. M K IT I S N O * Sample only DABLE EA 30 n RTAM KIT Winter 2019