RTAM KIT - Winter 2019 RTAM_Winter19_web | Page 15

CHAPTER REPORTS St. James-Assiniboia Chapter Dorothy Young, Communications Chair T he St. James-Assiniboia Chapter of RTAM held a very successful Coffee House and AGM in McMaster House on Thursday, September 12, 2019. Thirty-nine of our members were in attendance and three guests. The Executive elected for 2019 - 20 at the meeting are: Chairperson Lynn Land Vice Chair Shelley Herbert Secretary/Recorder Rudy Peters Treasurer Emily Williamson Membership/ Communications Dorothy Young Members at Large Marj Bilous, Will Peters, Linda Scott, Carol Szuminsky We also have three members on the Provincial RTAM Board of Directors: Bill Cann, Alison Logan and Linda Scott Thanks to Provincial RTAM’s financial support, members present enjoyed coffee/tea/water as well as delicious apple crisp and ice cream. Thank you to Emily Williamson, Lynn Land, Shelley Herbert, and Mary Starodub, our wonderful bakers! The entertainment at the Coffee House was the gift exchange. Members present had their names drawn from a pumpkin and they were entitled to choose a wrapped package from the table or steal an opened package from someone who had chosen before them. This was a lot of fun and twenty-five members went home with prizes. On behalf of the Chapter, thanks to Linda Scott for getting and wrapping the gifts for the exchange. Seven door Coffee Break '19 prizes were also awarded. Thank you to Lynn Land, Dorothy Young, Marj Bilous and Carol Szuminsky for your donated prizes, so 27 people did not go home empty handed! . James Bedford, the President of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, brought greetings. He expressed a desire to work for closer ties between active and retired teachers, the need for a strong association, and is looking forward to receiving advice on how to strengthen the public education system. He introduced Nathan Martindale, Vice-President of the Society. Peggy Prendergast, President of the Provincial RTAM, brought greetings and spoke about Bill C27 and the coalition that is taking a close look at it. She expressed satisfaction at the establishment of a capital fund within the Winnipeg Foundation in the amount of $50,000, the interest on which will be used to provide awards to nominated descendents of retired teachers. She expressed the hope to see it grow through donations to the fund. She also drew attention to several booklets of interest to seniors, and announced that the RTAM website was being redesigned to make it more user friendly.  Joyce McGinnis, DARTA President T he Dauphin Area Retired Teachers hosted a Coffee Break afternoon on October 11 at the Dauphin Market Place Mall. This was a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Society. With the sale of baked goods and donations we were able to donate $571.30 to the society.  RTAM.MB.CA n 15