RSU International Programs Beta v 2.4 | Page 28

law (chinese) Master of Law (LL.M.) duration: 2 years course fees in baht: Total 392,000 Baht or, 196,000 Baht per annum. language requirements: Mandarin Chinese. semester of commencement: June (1st Semester), November (2nd Semester) total number of credits: 39 credits pre-requisites: International students need to possess an undergraduate in Bachelor of Law (LLB) and Chinese language proficiency equivalent to level HSK5 in order to study this program. They are also required to take Principles of Thailand’s Law and English for Graduate Studies. course description/purpose The Master of Law program studies the comparative law of China and countries in Southeast Asia to develop and promote wider understanding, more economic cooperation and further business transactions during the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. employment outcomes Graduates of the programs will have comparative analysis and research skills in international law and international trade law and knowledge of international legal practices for law professionals such as judges, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers, legal counselors, solicitors, barristers, arbitrators, legislators, law professors and researchers. 28