RSU International Programs Beta v 2.4 | Page 27

innovation and entrepreneurship Master of Management (M.M.) duration: 18 months course fees in baht: Total 270,000 Baht or 180,000 Baht per annum. english language requirements: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent. semester of commencement: June (Summer), August (1st Semester), January (2nd Semester) total number of credits: pre-requisites: 36 credits Applicants who do not possess an undergraduate degree in Business are required to complete a remedial course in Financial Accounting for Entrepreneurs. course description/purpose The Master of Management (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) program is for individuals wishing to succeed in the international environment by creating products and services from their vision. Students identify core cre­ tive, artistic, a scientific, or technological opportunities and develop expertise to implement business decisions. employment outcomes Graduates of the program become world-class professionals for positions of leadership and influence in foreign affairs and international business. 27