RSU International Programs Beta v 2.4 | Page 11

information and communication technology Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) duration: course fees in baht: english language requirements: semester of commencement: total number of credits: 4 years course description/purpose The Department of Information and Communication Single Degree (Total 560,000 Baht or 140,000 Baht per annum), Technology at Rangsit University International College was Double Degree (Cost of Final Year founded in the 1998 academic year, with the mission to provide information technology education. For more than 10 16,500 AUD at Murdoch University in Australia) years, our department has been a place where students can obtain an outstanding education in information and comIELTS 5.0 or equivalent. munication technology and computer science. June (Summer), Our students come from various walks of life, many August (1st Semester), different cultures, and more than 10 different countries. January (2nd S emester) Only 30 percent of our students are Thai. By sharing their diverse life experiences, students here can enhance their 136 credits emotional, as well as their professional growth. employment outcomes There continues to be a huge demand for graduates in all areas of ICT and employment prospects are excellent as a Virtual Reality and Games Developer, Computer Graphics Programmer, Web Developer and Programmer, System Analyst and Engineer, Network Administrator, and Robotics Engineer. double degree Students may choose to study 4 years at Rangsit University and get a single degree or study the first 3 years at Rangsit University and the final year at Murdoch University in Australia and get two degrees (one from Rangsit University and one from Murdoch University) 11