communication arts
Bachelor in Communication Arts (B.C.A.)
4 years
course fees in baht:
Total 560,000 Baht or,
140,000 Baht per annum
english language requirements:
IELTS 5.0 or equivalent.
semester of commencement:
June (Summer),
August (1st Semester),
January (2nd Semester)
total number of credits:
135 credits
course description/purpose
As new technology being developed every day, most
companies have produced similar products with similar
qualities. What criteria do customers use for making their
buying decisions? The answer is ‘brand perception, or in other
words, how we view products. For this reason, marketing
communication plays a vital role in the current business world.
It leads to increased sales, brand reputation, improved image,
brand loyalty and much more.
While communication arts programs at other universities allow
students to choose only one area of communication, This
Program requires our students to study the background of
several areas of marketing communication, i.e. advertising,
public relations and journalism. The strength of this program is
that we create a new generation of well-rounded ‘Marketing
Communicators’ who know how to apply many areas of study
to create a harmonious and effective means of marketing
communication. As a result, this unique program would enable
students to successfully apply their integrated knowledge to
suit the requirements of their clients.
employment outcomes
Graduates of the program are able to work as Advertising
Managers, Public Relations Specialists, Media Planners, News
Reporters and Editors, Commentators, Disc Jockeys, TV and
Radio Announcers.