RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 64

nursing sceience course structure 4/4 third year (rangsit uni and malardarlen uni) subject summer at rsu BNP 241 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing BNP 332 Conceptual Bases of Maternal and Child Nursing total subject first semester at rsu BNP 344 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum BNP 335 Maternal and Child Nursing Practicum BNP 316 Management of Nursing Care BNP 317 Professional Nursing Development BNP 443 Primary Medical Care XXXxxx Elective I XXXxxx Elective II total subject second semester at malardarlen uni BNP 442 Conceptual Bases of Community Nursing BNP 445 Community Health Nursing Practicum BNP 352 Methodology and Concepts in Caring/Nursing Science BNP 351 Scandinavian Welfare System and Health Organization total 64 credits 4 4 8 credits credits 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 18 credits credits 3 3 3 3 12 credits fourth year (malardarlen uni and rangsit uni) subject first semester credits at malardarlen uni BNP 324 Conceptual Bases of Elderly Nursing BNP 327 Elderly Nursing Practicum BNP 353 Caring from Cultural Perspectives BNP 418 Introduction to Nursing Research BNP 419 Nursing Project total subject summer at rsu BNP 433 Midwifery BNP 436 Midwifery Practicum BNP 428 Comprehensive Nursing Practicum total 2 2 3 2 3 12 credits credits 4 3 3 10 credits