RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 63

nursing sceience course structure 3/4 suggested study plan for double degree in bachelor of nursing science at rangsit university and bachelor of science (caring science) at malardarlen university, sweden first year (rangsit university) subject summer second year (rangsit university) credits BIO 138 General Biology 4 ENL 111 Communicative English I 3 RSU 101 Dharmacracy 2 XXXxxx*English or Thai language I 3 *Additional English or Thai language Course total 9 credits subject first semester credits MAT 142 Mathematics and Statistics in Everyday Life 3 ESS xxx Physical Education and/ or Recreation 1 SOC 112 Psychology in Everyday Life 3 THA106*Thai Language in Communication 3 ANA 100 Basic Anatomy 3 ENL 112 English Listening and Speaking 3 XXXxxx* English or Thai language II 3 *Additional English or Thai language Course total 16 credits subject second semester credits BCH 100 Introduction to Biochemistry 3 LAW 108 Introduction to Law 3 PSO 100 Basic Physiology 3 ENL 113 English Reading and Writing 3 HUM 107 Ethics 3 PAT 204 Pathophsiology 3 XXXxxx* English or Thai language III 3 *Additional English or Thai language Course total 16 credits subject summer BNP 211 Nutrition and Health MIC 201 Introduction to Microbiology and Parasitology BNP 212 Health Promotion through Life Span BNP 214Nursing Informatics total credits 2 3 2 2 6 credits subject first semester credits subject second semester credits PHC 251 Basic Clinical Pharmacology 4 BNP 213 Law and Professional Ethics 2 BNP 215 Biostatistics 2 BNP 221 Fundamental Nursing I 3 BNP 222 Fundamental Nursing II 3 ENL 114 English for Study Skill 3 XXXxxx* English or Thai language IV 3 *Additional English or Thai language Course total 17 credits BNP 231 Conceptual Bases of Child and Adolescent Nursing 4 BNP 223 Conceptual Bases of Adult Nursing 4 BNP 225 Fundamental Nursing Practicum 3 BNP 326 Adult Nursing Practicum 3 BNP 334 Nursing of Child and Adolescent Practicum 3 XXXxxx* English or Thai language V 3 *A*Additional English or Thai language Course total 17 credits 63