RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 36

international marketing and online business course structure 2/2 • elective major courses IBM 301 IBM 431 IMB 221 IMB 322 IMB 304 IMB 306 IMB 308 IMB 417 IMB 325 IMB 327 IMB 328 IMB 329 IMB 332 IMB 333 IMB 351 IMB 362 IMB 370 IMB 418 IMB 419 IMB 422 IMB 499 (9 credits) International Business Management Export–Import Management International Experience I International Experience II Integrated Marketing Communication Management International Sales Management International Promotion and Marketing Communication Direct Marketing Business to Business Marketing Marketing Public Relations Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organization Sales Forecasting Corporate Branding and Branding Strategy International Strategic Brand Management English for Marketing Professional Multimedia for Online Business Online Business Negotiation Retail Marketing Comparative Asian Marketing Innovation and Strategies for Online Business Special Topics in International Marketing and Online Business iii. minor courses c. free elective courses 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (15 credits) (6 credits)