RSSM Digital First Interview Edition March 2020 | Page 13

Handling employee frustrations or complaints directly and promptly is another way to keep employee morale high. After all, most people don’t complain just for the sake of com- plaining, so for a company to know about issues brought forward by employees but not do anything about those issues is a blow to morale and asking for trouble. For a company to even learn about these issues however, a reliable and anonymous process needs to be in place for employees to voice such complaints. Companies would be wise to prioritize re- curring/similar complaints. Make work fun! Or to be more specific, companies should organize events that are de- signed to facilitate bonding among employees while letting their mind rest from work for a period of time. Such events include big summer parties, winter retreats, live bands, move premier nights, and more. Psychologists and business experts agree that the company that plays together, stays together. These events highlight the individuality of employees and appeal to their humanity, which sometimes gets lost in the day-to-day work and “business seriousness.” Recognizing the good is something that has always helped improve morale. When an em- ployee is doing something well, other employees at all levels of the organization should feel free to tell them such. Companies can also profile employees and their accomplishments randomly on the internal intranet. A raise or bonus is a classic example of recognizing good work for a reason – it works! 13 WWW.RSSM.BIZ | WWW.RSSM.BIZ