RSSM Digital First Interview Edition March 2020 | Page 12
4 Ways
To Keep
Morale High
Morale is one of those important pieces of corporate culture that successful
companies make sure to manage closely. High morale means increased energy,
productivity, profits, and more. Low morale means low energy, absenteeism,
lower productivity, potential sabotage, and more. While every person may not
be able to affect the morale of the company as a whole, every person plays a role
in maintaining morale for their own teams or departments. The latest research
suggests that small steps can go far in increasing morale too. The important
thing is that whether the steps taken by the company are large or small, to make
high morale a high priority goal for everyone.
One way to keep employee morale high is to promote from within. When your employees
see there is room to advance within an organization where they’ve been working, it does a
number of positive things, such as give hope. When a company constantly recruits for high-
er-level positions from outside the company it incentivizes people, especially the motivated
people a company wants to retain, to move either to another company either permanently
or as a round-about way of being promoted. Offering training programs and mentorship
opportunities to employees helps with promoting from within.