Juliette Lee
Children’s Hospice Project Participant
CHASE Children’s Hospice provides support to life-limited children and their
families who take comfort from the support services and facilities provided by the
Hospice. RPO resound’s Rocks & Pebbles music therapy project collaborated with
the bereaved siblings of some of the children from CHASE Hospice, in order
to provide the opportunity to explore their emotions and feelings through the
medium of music.
Juliette Lee took park in RPO resound’s three day Rocks & Pebbles project in both
2011 and 2012. Two years on, RPO Community & Education Officer,
Hannah Taylor, met with Juliette to talk about her experiences of working with
RPO resound and the impact this project had on her life.
the Has it had any lasting effect,
RPO resound project in which you three years on?
were involv VB