t ::
. Increases energY , improves circulation , slows ageing and protects the skin .
. Helps counteract the toxic effects of excessive consumption of alcohol and many of the toxic effects of cigarette smoking .
. ALA works together with Vitamin C & E which is important for growth . It also helps prevent cell damage and aids the body rid itself of ha rmfu I su bsta nces .
. ALA may relieve symptoms ( such as pa in , bu rn ing , itch ing , ting ling a nd numbness ) of peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes .
. ALA lowers blood sugar level and
, , r , prevents kidney damage associated with diabetes . ,,% u ,
. Useful in the treatment of chronic hepatitis by relieving
* ttoo ", stress on the liver and eliminating body toxins ,
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, fl p ' vrrAMrN E / TOCOPHEROL
Hea lth Benefits
. Powerful antioxidant .
. Breaks down fats . r Protects the ' U " Ort cells and other important nutrients ,
. Aids healing .
. Prevents thrombosis .
. Increases oxygen efficiency , thus increases fitness . r Anticoagulant .
. Vital for the nervous system to function correctly .
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. Treatment of colds and flu .
. Relieves stress , alcoholism , toxic poisoning and osteoarthritig ,
. Important for the immune system to function effectively- . -
. .
Speeds ftealing of wounds and torn tissues anCpnsurwgrowtn .
. Helps the body to absorb iron properly ana to OreakCnwn felic acid into a form which-the body can use ,