@ sKtn ffffi ffiffiMffiffiffire
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@ sKtn ffffi ffiffiMffiffiffire
LyCOpene is what gives rose its pinkish colour . It is also naturally found in human skin but gets depleted over time . Lycopene belongs to the family of intensely coloured
anti-oxidants known as Carotenoids , which are found within
; ili llJfili : f : il , 3 '; il :' 1l " i1l ; l ' l ' li , l ,?' fi :", l ,': lil ,, ft [ Ftri $ ; health and influences the colour of your skin . Lycopene may "{ . a \ FlT + i .{ Y I " ol t be the best free radical scavenger among carotens - it is at 4 ! d ! ri ". X , o * ," fo . o , l o .? o-fo ! 1B ieasttWiceaseffectiveantioxidantasoetacarotene . ffi
Health Benefits o Fighting Cancer Several studies found that eating
vegetables rich in Lycopene , such as tomatoes or tomatobased products , may reduce the risk of getting cancer .
Carotenoids work to protect against cancer and agingrelated d iseases by acting as a n a ntioxida nt to cou nteract
da mag ing effects of free rad ica ls in tissue .
. preventing heart diseases - Lycopene is found to Drevent -367m9 P " rtotfffrHn
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oxidation of lipids and low density lipoprotein cholesterol " tuotu ' l . r : ,,. "' l cfu ( LDL ) and reduces the risk of a percon developing atherosclerosis and cogqrtry fuart Unmemffiffi
ffi mld ' i '," l , ilxTiilin *:: n jnl , um * e , truffi " Hffi ilqf , illdl , f #: l " t " Ttifl ? i : iT ," ^1 ' n the bodv from nor-malmetabolisrn ' as well "," - ,
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