Royale Business Club Brochure volume 1 | Page 18

3 ) Guards Against Cancer - Studies point to turmeric ' s ability to neutralize free radicals , chemicals that could damage cells . Turmeric can ward off cancer and tumorous growths .
4 ) Promotes General Health - Turmeric extract contains poweful antioxidants which can help boost the body ' s immune system and protect against illness and disease .
Other Turmeric Benefits
Some of the other turmeric benefits include protecting the liver , aiding in digestion and helping with irritable bowel syndrome .
Several studies corroborate the fact that Gymnema leaf can increase insulin secretion . In many diabetes cases , insulin secretion is lower than normal which explains the difficulty of the body to control and regulate the blood sugar levels .
This supplement also reduces body weight and weight gain .
This leaf is so effective in controlling diabetes that patients on medication have been able to discontinue the use of conventional drugs .
This dietary supplement also has the ability to eliminate the desire and craving for sweets , sugar and candies , thus resulting to a reduced weight and a healthier diet .
It lowers cholesterol and helps the body develop a good balance between body fat and fean muscle mass . :