Bitter Melon is repofted to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis . Further , it has been found out that is as well beneficial for HIV treatment .
o Aids in sugar regulation by suppressing the neural response to sweet taste stimuli
. Useful for those with diabetes mellitus o Lectins from bitter gourd may possess significant antilipolytic and lipogenic propefties
. Useful as an emetic , purgative , and as an anthelmintic , in jaundice , and piles
. Indigestion n Diabetes
( Lagerstroemia Speciosa L .)
Banaba has been used in Filipino folkloric herbal medicine for the treatment of diabetes for centuries . Aside from the medicinal value of Banaba , as a herbal medicine , it is also good for the health .
Banaba contains high concentrations of dietary fiber and minerals such as zinc and magnesium .
Benefits of Banaba :
. Balances blood sugar
. Fights obesity
. Helps regulate blood pressure
. Aids the digestive system ,
. Prevents kidney stone
TURMERIC ( Curcuma Longa )
Turmeric Benefits :
1 ) Lowers LDL cholesterol - Studies have shown that turmeric lowerc
LDL cholesterol levels . LDLs are responsible for the build up of plaque in the afteries that could lead to heaft disease .
2 ) Treats High Blood Pressure - Turmeric has been shown to improve blood flow as well as strengthen blood vessels .