Royal Reviews November 2013, Issue 1 | Page 22

Interview With Shona Husk

Tell us something about yourself, so that we can get to know you a bit better…

SH: I’m a writer, civil designer and mother. I like martial arts, cross stitch and making cloth dolls in my spare time (which I could use more of). I love dark chocolate and probably eat too much of it :-)

Your romance novel, The Outcast Prince, is out now—congrats! Could you tell us about it?

SH: The Outcast Prince is the first book in the Annwyn series which revolves around the dramas at the court of Annwyn and its effect on our world. While The Outcast Prince introduces the reader to fairies and Annwyn, the next 2 books throw the reader into the chaos of a court in trouble and the failing magic (mwhahaha).

What inspired you to write the Annwyn Series?

SH: The short answer is my love of fairy lore. The long answer involves a conversation with one of my kids about what mazes could be made of. The idea of a glass maze where you could see what you wanted but not being able to see a way through became the central concept for my fairy court where games and deals are what greases the wheels and nothing is ever clear and simple.

Do you have a favorite character from the series or one that was easier to write?

SH: It’s hard to pick a favorite character. I really feel for Felan (Caspian’s father as he’s in a really tough situation—readers will get his story in book 3, To Love a King). Taryn was fun to right as she goes from an outsider at Court to holding power in her own right while sticking it to them all, she’s the heroine of Lord of the Hunt. In some ways the easiest characters to write are always those in the first book as the series is a clean slate, Caspian gets that honor.

How do you find that perfect balance of romance and paranormal?

SH: It’s not always easy as I can get sidetracked by the shiny ideas that make the world and little subplots. My editor is very good at putting back on the right path and keeping the developing romance the focus.