Rosemary Cottage , Manor Street , Dittisham , Devon TQ6 0EX Telephone + 44 ( 0 ) 1392 441270 E-mail contact @ rosemarydittisham . co . uk www . rosemarydittisham . co . uk
Privacy policy and use of cookies Whether you are booking a holiday rental or requesting information , the privacy of our clients is highly important to us and we ( Topaz862 Ltd , a company established in England and Wales , with company number 12017253 , hereafter referred to as " Rosemary Cottage " or “ The Company ” or “ we ”) have thus set out the following online Privacy Policy , intended for your peace of mind . YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF OUR PRIVACY STATEMENT Through the usage of the rosemarydittisham . co . uk site (" the Website ") or submittal of personal data you unreservedly accept and agree to the use of that data , by Topaz862 Ltd as detailed in this privacy statement . WHAT PERSONAL DATA DO WE COLLECT ? 1 . Using the Website When you use the Website you may provide us with your name , postal and email address and telephone number . 2 . Booking a holiday rental When you book a holiday rental with us , we collect personal data needed to facilitate and arrange services on your behalf . Typically , we request the following personal data about you :
• Name , address and telephone number ;
• Email address ;
• Ages of party members under the age of 18 We may also collect , store and use the following " special categories " of more sensitive personal information :
• Dietary requirements ;
• Health issues ( if any ). 3 . Information we collect about you through our site With regard to each of your visits to the Website , we will automatically collect the following information :
• Technical information , including the Internet Protocol ( IP ) address used to connect your computer to the Internet , browser type and version , time zone setting , browser plug-in types and versions , operating system and platform .
• Information about your visit , including the full Uniform Resource Locators ( URL ), clickstream to , through and from our Website ( including time and date ), page response times , download errors , length of visits to certain pages , page interesting information ( such as scrolling , clicks , and mouseovers ), methods used to browse away from the page , and any phone number used to call our customer service number . YOUR RIGHT TO OPT OUT You may email contact @ rosemarydittisham . co . uk at any time to unsubscribe ; if you unsubscribe , we will remove your name from our internet marketing database and you will no longer receive internet marketing communications including E-Newsletters . HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION 1 . Using the Website When using the Website , we use your information :
• to provide our services to you through the Website 1