Roosterman 35 | Page 3

How much should a Peruvian game fowl cost? T his is a frequently asked question from readers who are following my blogs. How much is a Peruvian game fowl? I have repeatedly answered this question in somewhat various manners. My answer always depended on how the particular question was premised. Why? a Peruvian cost, is it depends. It depends on the particular Peruvian fowl and it depends on your purpose. For example, like the American game fowl, the cost of the Peruvian varies from one breeder to another. It may also vary from one particular Peruvian chicken to another. (Rey Bajenting) Because, there are good Peruvs, there are bum, there are peruv good for the torneos, there are good only for the mesa. There are good breeders in Peru, very good indeed, who are not known to us or to the world. There are also known breeders, very wellknown, who are not good. For Suregain Club members: To continuously learn more about the Peruvian such as suggestions on how to breed Peruvian grades or why Vic Lacsao won the Bakbakan with Peruv graded stags, just ask for your free copy of "Notes on the Peruvian." Notes on the Peruvian is updated as soon as new and more current information come our way. Members may request free copy through > contact us; then state on the message: Notes on the Peruvian; your name; and your MIN. Nonmembers, be a member now! To be frank, there is no standard Peruvian Game fowl. Go to Peru, visit the different breeders and you will see how different looking are their roosters from one breeder to another. Check the photos on the net, and you will even see some so-called breeders of authentic Peruvian Game fowl, with birds from within his own flock that look far different from one another. American game fowl also vary in looks but the variations are not as pronounced as in the Peruvian game fowl. Thus, there are no experts on the Peruvian. Each of these self-proclaimed experts are limited to his own knowledge based on information from own sources. Although, there are experts on their own Peruvian, there are no experts on the Peruvian in general. The good breeders in Peru have certainly set their own strains, or possibly even breeds. But whatever they have created are their own and different from the other strains or breed created by other good breeders. The generic term for all these strains is “Peruvian.” However, not all Peruvians are the same. The point is that the so-called Peruvian game fowl are different animals. Thus, the answer to the question of how much should NO. 35 A handsome specimen of the Peruvian game fowl at King Arthur Game Farm of Melvin Reyes, secretary of the Philippine Peruvian Breeders Organization. Page 3