RONUDISM Septembrie 2017 - NR. 1 | Page 4

Against an entire upbringing, and from a place of desperation, I followed a new intuition and rule-book of life – health, and survival, by whatever means.

I became a different person – yeah – a barefoot, headband-wearing, leaf-worshipping, environmentalism-touting, anti-system hippie. Quarter-life crisis right?

about what was clearly an unhealthy life in every way. So I knew it was time to change. And to say I changed after this, is an understatement.

I came back to Australia and I rebooted my life. What happened was a radical health transformation, and rising out of that, mindfulness and mental healing. It’s why I call my Facebook ‘Mindful Story‘.

don't hide

your passion

Mauris lorem sem, viverra tristique arcu sed

RND: What can you tell us about your life journey?

I had my worst trauma experiences on stage ever in early 2013, and some point after that I told my parents back in Australia in an email, ‘I’m not a musician anymore.’ At the same time I had a cancer scare, with lumps popping up on my arms and legs, and this was a reality-check to me