Romeo and Juliet May 2014 | Page 7

Dear Mr. Editor

Dear Editor,

The story of Romeo and Juliet conitinually address this grand and powerful idea of love. I would have to agree. Love can make all wild things. It has drawn many people to do the unthinkable. I would also have to say that love is destructive. If all things do not go correctly, love can to much damage. Love is in human nature. Sooner or later everyone will fall in love. Love seems to be a force of nature, so strong that it exceeds normal feelings. However, I do disagree with the idea that fate brings people together. I do not believe that two people are destined to be together. I believe that a person can end up with anyone. I believe that there is more than just one person that is perfect for another person. If someone wants to make things works they can. I do not believe in fate, in general. The only supernatural being that has control over human life is God. Also love should not make people to unimaginable things. If it does, it is probably unhealthy.


Betty Loo Kinsley