Romeo and Juliet May 2014 | Page 4

the nurse tells all!!

Exclusive view into life of JULIET CAPULET

through her nurse's eyes

Ladies of Love: What was Juliet like in her last days?

Nurse: Like any teenager overcome with love, she was sure she and Romeo could overcome anything. She was ready to take on any obstacle that came her way.

LL: Did you agree with the choices Juliet made?

Nurse: No, I was not actually. Her love for him was frowned upon by both families. If she wanted a love that would last forever, she should have choosen someone else.

LL: How was she when she was with Romeo? Was she different than normal?

Nurse: She was different. I am actually surprised her parents couldn't notice. She was just full of life, joy, and happiness.

LL: What was it like being the beautiful lady's nurse?

Nurse: It was the best job I ever had. I'm not saying it wasn't difficult at times. I mean she was a teenager. She always wanted things to go her way. But she was the kindest, most loving, and happiest person I have ever met. She always brightened everyone's day!

LL: What did she enjoy? What's something about her nobody knows?

Nurse: Oh well there are many things, seeing as she tried to live a private life. She loved fishing and horseback riding. One thing you guys might not know about her is that enjoyed making rope ladders. She even make one for Romeo on their wedding night.