Rockville Rec Guide - Fall 2016 Winter 2017 | Page 46

New! Using Google Apps Seniors Ever wonder about those nine little boxes forming a square in the upper-right corner of any Google page? They’re a portal into a whole new Google world, with calendars, maps, photos, and anything else you can think of to make your time online more productive, useful and fun. 58103 Tu 2/28 58031 Tu 3/28 Computer Lab/Kranzberg $9/$11/$15 $9/$11/$15 Windows Explorer Windows Explorer is the program you use to browse through the files on your computer and connected devices. You can use it to browse network locations, manage your files and much more. Buying Digital Camera Shopping for a digital camera once seemed simple. Learn about cameras and the software options available. Become familiar with jargon and shop for the best deal. 57961 M 1/23 Azalea Room/Bender 1-3 PM Free Introduces drawing features in MS Word and Windows Paint program. Covers elementary manipulation of pictures and text in documents. A $3 manual fee is payable to instructor at first class. 57936 W 1/11 Computer Lab/Martin 1-3 PM $5/$7/$9 One class meeting of two hours discusses and demonstrates techniques for archival mounting of photography and/or artwork. Learn how to use a relatively inexpensive matte cutting tool to save money on mounting and framing. Bring an 8-by-10 photograph to mount (two will be chosen) and recover the cost of this class meeting. 1-3 PM 1-3 PM $9/$11/$15 $9/$11/$15 Typing Tips Feeling a little rusty or never bothered to learn? Use Typing Instructor software and practice proper hand placement and posture. View progress after each exercise as you increase your typing speed and accuracy. Choose a plan to meet your typing objectives. Software offers games and themes, and you can listen to music while you practice. 57901 Th 1/12-1/17 Computer Lab/Hickman 1-3 PM $9/$11/$13 Fitness and Wellness 1-3 PM A Matter of Balance Balance exercises help improve stability, coordination, leg strength and posture. The exercises in this class help reduce the risk of falling, help prevent injury and improve overall daily life. 57707 W 1/11-3/8 Exercise Room/Finn Mounting and Matting 57950 W 1/25 57951 M 1/30 Azalea Room/Bender 57988 Th 2/9 Computer Lab/Martin We recommend bringing a water bottle to all fitness programs. Fun with Pictures Page 46 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620 10 AM-12 PM 10 AM-12 PM $9/$11/$13 12:10-12:50 PM $33/$38/$48 Abs and Back The core is the key to better posture, better balance and better movement. This class focuses on the core through exercises using upper and lower abdominals, pelvic floor, obliques, buttocks and mid- and lower-back muscles. Most exercises are done on the floor; participants must be able to get up and down from the mat. 57730 Tu 1/10-3/7 Exercise Room/D’Angelo 5-5:45 PM $40/$48/$57 Aerobic Workout Step up to the latest exercise designed for the active senior who can walk and turn with ease. Aerobic dancing provides enjoyable exercise using dance movements with one foot safely in contact with the floor at all times. Class includes a mixture of oldies and current music. 57708 Tu & Th 1/10-3/9 58008 W 1/11-3/8 Exercise Room/Klopfer 11 AM-12 PM 2:15-3:15 PM $55/$64/$75 $35/$44/$52