Rockford Living 2013-14 July, 2013 | Page 30

More Eco-Friendly Homes in Stone Crest Available From Sable Homes
Creating Dream Homes with Copper Ridge Custom Homes
Convenient Family Living in Rockford at Hillview Townhouses
Rockford Housing
More Eco-Friendly Homes in Stone Crest Available From Sable Homes
Great news for anyone looking for a new home in the Rockford area . Sable Homes has added lots and will build 17 new homes to add to the 39 that currently make up Stone Crest development . Single family homes ranging in price from the 180s to 260s will be available , located off of 11 Mile Road , east of Myers Lake Road .
Multiple designs and varying square footage are available , according to John Bitely , owner of Sable Homes . Potential homebuyers can check out the model that will serve as a design center anytime or during the Grand Rapids Parade of Homes in the spring or fall .
Using hybrid technology , all of Sable Homes incorporate eco-friendly features including 2 x 6 exterior construction . The entire house is caulked to prevent drafting and energy-saving windows are used . The model home also includes AirRenew drywall , a gypsum board product that uses new technology to clean harmful VOCs out of the air .
Sable Homes , locally owned and operated and in the Rockford area since 1996 , has built a reputation for well-built homes with a higher level of detail in design , engineering and craftsmanship , compared to similarly priced homes from other builders .
“ With the interest rates so low , we ’ ll get you more house for your money ,” said Karin Kay , marketing coordinator and agent for Sable Homes . “ It ’ s a great time to buy .”
Call today -- let Sable Homes achieve your dream of owning a new home .
Sable Homes 11575 Edgerton Avenue , Rockford ( 616 ) 866-3913 www . SableHomes . com
Creating Dream Homes with Copper Ridge Custom Homes
Rockford area home buyers considering building a home can turn to Copper Ridge Custom Homes . Since 2004 , owners Brian Dahlquist and Eric Larson have built a reputation for their quality homes and remodeling projects based on trust , integrity and value .
Because of the uptick in all areas of homebuilding , Dahlquist says they want to focus more of their attention on building custom homes . Copper Ridge Custom Homes will build to suit whether it ’ s a 1,500-square-foot home or 4,000 square feet with brick , stone , vinyl siding and other natural products available to match your tastes . The company is also known for its custom cabinetry constructed with woods such as cherry , maple and hickory .
Call today for an appointment with Copper Ridge Custom Homes to put you on the path to your dream home .
Convenient Family Living in Rockford at Hillview Townhouses
Hillview Townhouses is a new place to call home for those looking for an affordably priced and well maintained townhome or apartment . In a convenient location in the Rockford School District , Hillview Townhouses near 10 Mile Road and Wolverine Boulevard , is walking distance to banks , stores , professional services and a health club . Transportation is also available through Hope Network for a nominal fee . With youngsters in mind , Hillview management is working with Rockford Public Schools to create a learning center , and a playground was recently built on the premises . The units
Hillview Townhouses 602 Hillview Place , Rockford ( 616 ) 866-2535 Hours : 8:30-5 ( M-F )
Copper Ridge Custom Homes , A division of Copper Ridge Construction LLC Rockford , ( 616 ) 889-0938 www . CopperRidgeConstruction . com
also include air conditioning and new balconies . Hillview Townhouses is an Equal Housing Opportunity , federally subsidized housing development . Call us today to arrange a tour . Always accepting applications .
Rockford Living Magazine 2013 / 2014