Rockford ’ s Real Estate Experts
Lew Boersma
A Regional Marketing Executive with over one seventh of a BILLION in closed sales , Lew is familiar with today ’ s technology and able to serve your real estate needs throughout West Michigan . ( 616 ) 240-2260 • lewsoldit @ charter . net
Gary Burghgraef
Gary prides himself in being attentive to his customers and relishes the role of a consultant helping them meet their real estate needs . Unparalleled customer service is his goal and he would be honored to help you in buying or selling your home . Visit : www . GarySellsWestMI . com ( 616 ) 490-8585 • garyburghgraef @ hotmail . com
Andy Drasiewski
Energetic and enthusiastic , Andy genuinely enjoys working with people and taking time to listen to his client ’ s real estate expectations . If you are considering buying or selling real estate , Andy has the tools and resources to close the transaction professionally . ( 616 ) 446-7048 • andy . drasiewski @ gmail . com
Steven Elder
Focused service based solely on the best interests of his clients . A transplanted “ yooper ”, Steven is building a network through an honest approach to real estate and a strong work ethic . He looks forward to being your agent , resource and eventual referral in the real estate business . ( 616 ) 558-2332 steven . elder @ cbgreatlakes . com
Chris Fraser
A Rockford resident for over 20 years , Chris is a full time real estate agent ready to go to work for you . If you are considering listing or purchasing a home , call Chris for your free market analysis . ( 616 ) 901-5801 • cfraser @ grar . com
Scott Hutchison
Scott carries his Associate Brokers license along with several buyer and seller service designations ( ABR , GRI , SFR & CNAS ). He has been selling in Rockford for over 18 years and has finished in the top 10 % of the company ( over 700 agents ) for the last 3 years . Put Scott ’ s experience to work for you today ! ( 616 ) 291-0440 • scott @ web-homes . net
Rick Kircheis
Rick ’ s approach is to be completely honest and straightforward with his clients . He is absolutely committed to fulfilling his client ’ s needs with the highest level of professionalism and real estate expertise . ( 616 ) 240-4141 • rick @ cbgreatlakes . com
Don Kloostra
A successful real estate transaction is built upon the strength of relationships and the experience of how to get things done . ( 616 ) 890-2508 don . kloostra @ cbgreatlakes . com
Shea Koscheka
Ready to help with all your real estate needs , Shea is an experienced professional who works hard for all her clients . She ’ ll help you sell your home and / or find the new home of your dreams . ( 616 ) 295-8540 • shea @ cbgreatlakes . com
Julia Moore
As an agent who believes strongly in honesty and integrity , Julia will put your needs first . Let her guide you through every step of the buying or selling process . ( 616 ) 723-5532 • juliamoorerealtor @ gmail . com
Barbara Heisler
People need realistic assessments of their situations and solutions to meet their needs from someone they can trust . That has been Barbara ’ s goal for over 25 years . Call Barbara Heisler today . ( 616 ) 443-5887 • barbaraheisler @ grar . com
Greg Hull
Whether you are buying or selling a home , it can be a stressful and emotional process . Greg works hard to provide his clients with the knowledge , support and excellent communication necessary to help make it an enjoyable experience . ( 616 ) 990-0615 • greghullrealtor @ gmail . com
Amy Noyes
Be sure to work with a Realtor who really Knows Real Estate . Amy Noyes understands the importance of representing her client ’ s best interests , and puts their needs first . Call her today to list your house or to buy your new home . Noyes Knows Real Estate . Visit : www . AmyNoyes . com ( 616 ) 813-8310 • noyesknows @ gmail . com
Pat Peterson
Whether you are buying or selling a home , Pat offers a full range of real estate services from advertising a new listing to closing the sale . Providing you with excellent service is always his goal . ( 616 ) 951-1806 • pat @ patstown . com
Rockford Office : 125 E . Division Street ( 616 ) 866-4434 www . cbGreatLakes . com