Safe , Clean and Secure Boarding Facility at Pine Hill Kennel & Sportsman ’ s Club
Professional Puppy and Pet Portraiture
Chase ’ s Corner Kennel
Doggie Daycare & Dog Training
Pet & Animal Care d
Safe , Clean and Secure Boarding Facility at Pine Hill Kennel & Sportsman ’ s Club
Pine Hill Kennel & Sportsman ’ s Club is a place in the country where Rockford area residents can board their dogs and rest easy knowing their beloved pets are cared for and happy during their staycation . Pine Hill has what dogs need -- clean air , open space , clean water and lots of love .
“ We offer a relaxed environment and a facility designed for safety and around dogs and their happiness ,” said Scott Brosier , co-owner of Pine Hill with his wife Ada .
Pine Hill is located in a country setting on 90 acres with very large indoor / outdoor dog runs . Gentle and experienced staff members provide the best service , second to none . Pine Hill also includes an exceptional 620-acre preserve with a bird habitat for
Pine Hill Kennel & Sportsman ’ s Club 8347 10-Mile Road , Rockford ( 616 ) 874-8459 Hours : 8 – 11am and 4 – 6pm ( M-Sat ), 4 – 6pm ( Sun ) www . MichiganBirdHunter . com
hunting pheasant and chukars . Professional gun dog and obedience training are also available .
Professional Puppy and Pet Portraiture
Snuggly puppies . Cuddly kitties . Best old pal or loyal companion . Pets are an important part of our lives and beloved members of the family . They also make for some of the cutest photos you ’ ll ever see . Photos you will cherish forever .
Pet photography is a specialized field , and Rockford is home to one of the few pet photographers in the nation . Michelle Wise , owner of Wise Photography , has been perfecting her skills as a pet photographer for most of her career .
“ Babies and puppies are my favorite subjects . They are fun and unpredictable . Even with the most difficult shoots , I always get something that no one could have posed ,” said Michelle .
From bunnies and baby chicks to kittens , beagles and basset hounds , Wise Photography will capture the precious moments of your pet ’ s life – for you to keep forever . Call or visit their studio and see for yourself .
Wise Photography 1 N . Main Street , Rockford • ( 616 ) 866-6081 www . WisePhotography . com www . RockfordLiving . org
Chase ’ s Corner Kennel
Open seven days a week , Chase ’ s Corner Kennel will give your pet lots of love , attention and individual play time . In-floor heating . Indoor / outldoor covered runs . A free bone with a kiss and hug at bedtime . Great rates and multi-dog discounts . Easy access from US-131 .
Chase ’ s Corner Kennel 1194 11-Mile Road , Comstock Park ( On the corner of Pine Island and 11-Mile Roads ) • ( 616 ) 437-3270 Hour : 8 – 8 ( seven days a week ) • www . ChasesCornerKennel . com
Faithful Friends Dog Training , LLC 8450 Algoma Avenue , Ste C , Rockford ( 616 ) 863-4900 ffdogs @ att . net www . FaithfulFriendsDogs . com
Doggie Daycare & Dog Training
Your best pal deserves the best care . Faithful Friends provides certified dog training and offers obedience classes and behavior problem solving . The Doggie Daycare provides a safe , clean , caring environment with plenty of playtime in large , always supervised indoor and outdoor play areas .