Rockford Living 2013-14 July, 2013 | Page 24

A Rockford Saturday Tradition

Farm Market

A Rockford Saturday Tradition
The Rockford Farm Market was voted “ America ’ s Favorite Farmers Market ” in a 2011 nationwide popularity contest sponsored by the American Farmland Trust . Wander through our Farm Market on a carefree Saturday morning and you ’ ll understand the reasons behind its popularity .
The Rockford Farm Market is a busy yet relaxed place where you can buy just-picked homegrown fruits and vegetables , plus homemade baked goods and flowers and plants . You can find specialty jams , sauces , honey , and jerky . Admission is free . Children are welcomed .
Part of the fun is making light conversation with the vendors . Stacks of colorful , seasonal produce are sold here by area farmers and it feels good to support them by “ buying local .” You can buy just what you need – one tomato or onion or several . Everything is breathtakingly fresh and pure and local .
The Rockford Farm Market is located in the South Squires Street parking lot , a picturesque setting next to the beautiful Fred Meijer White Pine Trail State Park in downtown Rockford , close to the dam and the Rogue River . This year , the market opened in May and will operate every Saturday through October from 8am to 1pm .
Rockford Living Magazine 2013 / 2014