Jackee Mohl looks to the future
as a Boeing structural engineer
Interview by Sherry Valare
class of 2014, she led a special
projects team, which focused
on obtaining and managing
projects with a significant
business impact for BMA.
Mohl took the time out of
her busy schedule to speak
position at Boeing, the V-22,
education, STEM outreach and
extracurricular activities.
What do you get when a talented female engineer is one
of the masterminds behind the
design of an aircraft crossed
between a helicopter and a jet
There exists a sort of “hybrid” military, tiltrotor aircraft
that takes off and lands as a
helicopter, and flies like an airplane. The Bell Boeing V-22 OsHow
prey was designed by a team
involved in subjects not
of engineers at Boeing to fulfill
traditionally thought of as
the needs of all four United
“geared towards girls”?
States armed services in the
Defense Department.
Mohl: Throughout my entire
A tiltrotor aircraft creates
life, I have been interested
its lift and propulsion with
in math and science. I also
powered rotors (sometimes
have a sort of ‘beat the boys’
called proprotors) mounted
mentality. I wanted to prove
upon rotating engine pods (or,
that girls could do everything
nacelles) located at the end of
people thought only boys
fixed wings. When they are tilted
could do, even through my
forward they act as propellers Jackee Mohl is a structural engineer at Boeing working years as a middle and high
to enable the V-22 to fly as an on the V-22 Osprey aircraft.
Photo: Boeing school student. In high school,
airplane, but when they tilt up,
my Physics teacher became a
the aircraft performs landing
Mohl led the V-22 Engineering
mentor for me as I continued
and takeoff in the same way as a Producibility Tiger Team that being drawn to math and science.
helicopter would.
worked on improving producibility
I have always been interested
A woman whose hands and issues in manufacturing, and was in how things work, and the
mind have helped mold the V-22 the focal for composite material principles behind how our physical
into this multifunctional aircraft is allowable development for the world is governed. Based on that,
Jackee Mohl, a structural engineer V-22. Currently, Mohl has a role in I explored different career paths I
graduated supporting a proprietary program could take and engineering was
from Massachusetts Institute of based in Saint Louis while she works the one that combined my love of
Technology (MIT) in 2008, where, in Philadelphia.
both subjects and used them for
in addition to her studies, she was
In addition to working for Boeing, real world application.
captain of the MIT Women’s Swim she is the chair of the Boeing
Team and held positions within the Philadelphia Diversity Council which
What kind of student were
Society of Women Engineers MIT won a Boeing Global Diversity
you in high school and what
Change Agent award in 2012 while led you to attend Massachusetts
Upon graduating from MIT, she lead it, She also co rganized Institute of Technology (MIT) for
Jackee took a position at Boeing the annual BoeingPhiladelphia Mechanical Engineering?
with the V-22 Osprey Helicopter Kickball Tournament as part of the
Stress Analysis Group after interning ‘Boeing on the Move’ program, Mohl: I maintained an ‘A’ average
with them for two summers in which has over 500 participating - I worked extremely hard. I was also
college. In late 2009, she assumed employees.
a swimmer, so I swam 3-4 hours per
the position of Stress Lead for
As a member of the Boeing day. Academics were always my
the V-22, where she remained Military Aircraft (BMA) Emerging number one priority, though. They
through July 2012. Additionally, Leaders Development Program’s were always what I strove to be