Rock & Metal World July 2013 | Page 26

or crazy or whatever . You know doing that kind of real heavy music , if you have a listen to Deep Purple in rock in 1970 that was incredible what was going on back then . You could easily have the effect that nobody wouldn ’ t like that , everybody would say “ Aah that ’ s too extreme for me ” or whatever , which it was at that time . And they took a big risk and they took all the existence into this feel you know . Coming from England or whatever it is not easy to survive in environment if you don ’ t really know what are you doing and if you are not really capable of huge musical stuff and ideas , you have to write those tracks and basically what any other band has to do , but by that time it was even more difficult . And it wasn ’ t supposed to be so sure that you will get a record contract anyway . So I mean these people really meant that by the heart they put true .
It ’ s like big example for young bands in now days even . And I am pretty sure that many wouldn ’ t even know or care about Deep Purple but that was like one of the milestones of rock and hard rock same as Black Sabbath or these other bands around by that time on which you have to say there were not that many high class bands actually in compares today where you find everyone and his dog record in something on garage band or something on their Macs and eventually put it on the net or whatever and people can listen to it . By that time it was really hard