Rock & Metal World July 2013 | Page 14

In 2011 , the Arrayan Path ’ s third album was released under the name of “ Ira Imperium ” and was described as the rightful successor for “ Terra Incognita ”, because it keeps the same high quality level , even better . In this album we could find Tony Martin ’ s ( former Black Sabbath ) collaboration .
In 2013 they come back with IV : Stigmata , an album which promises to be strong and dark , following a conceptual line where the main theme is Religion .
The production , mix and masters were in charge of Vagelis Maranis ( former Sanvoisen ) which also has created beautiful choruses using just his voice . Other collaborations include vocals by Jimmy Mavrommatis ( Armagedon ), guitar solos by Kikis Apostolou ( Armagedon ), Alexis Kleidaras ( former Deceptor ) and George Kousa .
Clepsydra is the opening theme for the piece ; its beginning is strong and melodic at the same time , with an epic chorus in the background . Nicholas ’ s voice which strength and feelings have become the distinctive label for the band and we could notice it in the pre-choir and chorus . I need to mention the excellent