Rock & Metal World July 2013 | Page 13

IV : Stigmata

Rocío Echávarri ( Deuzzy ) / Translation : Zaravasty Luna

Middle East has been the cradle of good quality Heavy Metal bands as Orphaned Land , Dreamtone , Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki ’ s Neverland , Myrath , Maegi , and more . This time we bring you from Ciprus , Arrayan Path , which present us their fourth production : IV : Stigmata .

Arrayan Path was born as a personal project of Nicholas Leptos , singer and composer , as well with the guitarist Clemente Fung in 1997 . After two demos (“ Return to Troy in 1999 and Osiris in 2000 ), the band ’ s debut album was “ Road to Macedonia , and it was released in 2004 . As a result of their strong music and epic backgrounds , the band fast won a lot of fans , the most in Greece . This album has achieved high status becoming a worshipped one .
After a six year parenthesis , at the beginning of 2010 the band released their second album , “ Terra Incognita ”, by Pitch Black Records . This album was better in a lot of aspects , specially speaking of music and production . One of the achievements and the significant acknowledgement of “ Terra Incognita ” was that the album was nominated for the European Independent Album of the Year Award by IMPALA ( Independent Music Companies Association )*, it was the only nomination for metal bands over 20 other nominees . In other hand , the legendary Bruce Dickinson commented “ this is a band worthy to listen ”.
* http :// www . impalamusic . org / node / 1