Rock & Metal World English Edition 49 | Page 21

• If you could choose a country to record a live DVD, which is the chosen one? Stephan: We did a live recording at the ProgPower USA (which isn´t released yet) where the audience was great. But when we did the recordings for our cd “Spirit of live” in Paris/France, it was also a fantastic crowd. We have never played in South America, but what we hear is that there the people are making the concerts to big events, so this would be a good opportunity, too. Günter: I would go for Japan because I’ve played there with DC Cooper years ago and enjoyed it very much. It was total interesting how people act and react over there. A mix between discipline and enthusiasm. • This album is “chronicles of the immortals” Path One, there will be a “Path Two”? Andy: Yes definitely- there is nearly 70% arranged and recorded – so I think after the release of path 1 the people won´t have to wait another 4 years. Hahaha we have planned to release path 2 in 2015. • Let’s go with some general questions. Vanden Plas has 9 albums, in which we can see how the band has evolved from over 20 years of carrer, there have been some events that changed your life and that have been affected you in a personal or musical way? Günter: Of course the theatre-work changed our musical development a lot. Over the years I got the opportunity to work with many different musicians, producers composers and you take a bit from every one of them. At the end you cannot say who did influence you the most. Every single and it might appear as a small step could be a big one in your musical progress. • This band has kept a stable line-up since 1986. What is it that has kept them together through the years? Andreas: Respect. The big respect which we have for each other. To have a look at the work everybody is doing and also the knowledge that everything just works out for each one of us if we go on as a band. Torsten: The fact that we are still able to bring the band to a higher level with every new album, tour etc. Günter: The lineup like this is since 1991, because I joined the band in 1989 and Torsten came two years later. We all like the kind of music that we play and we all s