Rock & Metal World English Edition 49 | Page 20

• What is your favorite song of this album? Andy: My favorite song is “New Vampyre” Stephan: Black knight Andreas: Soul alliance Torsten: My favorite song is Black Knight Günter: I go for the ballad (Misery affection)) and Black Knight • What was the hardest part of recording this album? Andreas: To record the different instruments for the songs isn´t that hard because we got used to work in a studio and it’s also fun to see a song growing. Still the hardest and also most important part is to find the right balance between all that instruments and the vocals. Torsten: Working out a mix that shows every aspect of the song is very difficult - because on the other side we will never be able to show every detail. Günter: Like always the mixing process. For me it is also the arrangement. I do not only arrange ma keyboard tracks that I play. I also arrange all the orchestral voices and instruments. And this is a lot of work. But it is also a challenge and at some point it takes you to another sphere. • What was the song that you enjoyed the most to record? Andy: a) Misery affection- because I had the chance to perform such a wonderful duet with the talented and unbelievable singer Julia Steingass. b) The King and the Children of Lost World – because there was such a big space and a possibility to show a huge pallet of different emotions and performance styles. This song has composing wise a very big range and was so very very interesting to perform for me. Stephan: Black knight – I like the mix of the heavy riffs and the acoustic parts. Torsten: Soul Alliance - first of all, I like playing these bass-parts - I hope we will play this song live very often. The other reason is that in the end this bass-parts worked perfect in the mix. Günter: New Vampyre – because it was not in the theatre-production and was new in the process of the record. So I could play and invent new stuff to that cool song. • Are you already satisfied with the answer from fans and people around the world? Andreas: It´s great to have this response after all this years. It’s the fans who make it possible to be able to go on as a band. Nothing is important like that. Günter: Yes, very much. The fans really like this one. 20