The first song , “ King of the Sun ”, I could say was inspired in some Aztec or Mayan emperor . Those that tell the legends , living in golden cities between rites , sacrifices and which have suffered the arrival of the Spanish conquers , watching his empire fall to then resurge as a celestial body in the sky as the stars that they used love . One song well made , classic metal , with some electric touches , which along with the powerful Nils voice make a great assembly .
The second theme is “ First to Fight ”, with much more power than the precedent , maintaining the rhythm from beginning to end , when the band released this song through “ MetalUnderground . com ” last May , they made the following comment :
“ First to Fight is about an elite force , that according to some , even surpasses the U . S . Navy Seals when it comes to the tough recruitment requirements .’ GROM ,’ - Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego ( Operational Maneuver Response Group ), is a 350 man strong elite force that was formed on June 13th , 1990 to protect Polish citizens when the situation demands it across the globe .”