© Rocío Echávarri
Then makes an appearance another emblematic but not only of this project but of metal in general , and we received with a thunderous welcome to Mr . Michael Kiske , who played several songs representing the time of The Metal Opera , Reach out for the Light , Avantasia , Breaking Away , fan favorite , even the stage singers were overshadowed by the voice of the public . Then Tobias Sammet , said the next song would be presented for the first time live thereupon Thomas Rettke plays superbly Scale of Justice . Eric Martin began his involvement with What Left of Me , and with that own style while interpreting as well as encouraging the public , proving to be a good frontman .
Personally I consider The Scarecrow as Tobias ’ s masterpiece , for me , still no Avantasia song has overcome that , and therefore this was a great moment . Given the absence of Jorn Lande , it was unknown who would sing it . Oliver Hartmman was commissioned to interpret it and did it with such ease and mastery throughout the song that I forgot Jorn . Slowly the night moved on , we were constantly