© Rocío Echávarri local sound , especially with Run to the Hills of Iron Maiden , it was obvious that we were very anxious . Finally the lights were turned off and as always happens in these moments El Circo Volador became a true pandemonium , while listening to the famous theme from 2001 Space Odyssey , the musicians took their positions , and then the concert started with the chords of the first song of the night , Spectres , belonging to his latest production , The Mystery of Time , the stress was far behind and all our energy joins that from the characters who are on stage .
This marathonic concert continued with Watchmaker ’ s Dream with Oliver Hartman on vocals demonstrating their enormous capacity not only as a guitarist , following with The Story Is not Over followed by The Mystery of Time , the charismatic presence of Mr . Bob Catley made the Circo broke again in cheers and applause . His performance was full of feeling and energy , it really was one of many memorable moments of that night .