Roca News Mondariz´s fire | Page 5

“Gota fría” in Valencia

"The environmental phenomenon called in Spain ‘’Gota Fria’’, which affects the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, continues to leave heavy rainfall, especially in Aragon, the north of Catalonia and the south of Valencia. The situation has not improved and the Meteorological Agency has activated the red alert, which has worn Teruel, Tarragona and Castellón. The storm leaves more than 200 litters in many parts of Castellón, where 100 people have been evacuated from their homes and from 30 of their cars and the streets have been flooded in Benicarló."


From the writing team of Roca Security, we believe that the alert of the authorities has to be quick and effective, the same as the service provided by the firefighters and security forces. Another important point is the civil engineering works dedicated to curbing and reducing the severity of the damage caused by flooding.

Raúl Jiménez